Tuesday, February 8, 2011

New Year, New Beginnings

With a new baby last year and the regular chaos of every day life around here, I took a break from the blogging world and put Snuggly Monkey on the back burner for a few months. With the new year came a slew of New Year's Resolutions for me. Some are still going strong (like training to walk a half-marathon - up to 7 miles this week!) and some not so strong (like my resolve to eat less carbs is being constantly sabotaged by my incessant desire to eat bread and cereal...), but my resolution to devote more time to my Snuggly Monkey activities is among the ones still going strong.

I have been busy working on new items to restock my Etsy shop, so be sure to check that out as I am trying to add a new listing every few days. (I have a bunch of stuff made, but not a lot of time to upload the items) It is my goal to get back to blogging at least once a week as well so keep an eye out for new posts. I've decided to dedicate this blog mostly to my craft pursuits, but I am sure random stories from life with my two little monkeys will make an appearance every once in awhile.

Until next time!

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